Tuesday, May 8, 2012

More pictures

 The three pictures above are from an earth day program I held with one of the local youth groups. The public health officer came and discussed recycling and waste management in our village, where it all goes, and what they can do to help cut down on the trash. Then I taught the kids how to make picture frames from recycled materials, and toys for kids from plastic bottles. We also made headbands and hair supplies from scraps collected from the local seamstress. Originally we were supposed to spend the morning cleaning up the area and picking up trash before doing the crafts but it had been raining for 48 hours straight and showed no sign of stopping so I had to cancel that part of the project.

Some of the finished products from the youth group. I am going to help them sell the hair clips and headbands they made at the market and around the village to help raise money for their group

 Mien hill tribe women in their traditional clothing. They wear these outfits every single day no matter what the weather is. I don't know how they do it.

 Mhong hill tribe women. Their outfits are incredibly intricate and take them months to make. I am going to be working with one of the community groups to help them market their designs to tourists.

 One of my saturday english lessons. I have only been able to teach twice so far and have had around 40 kids each time. Yesterday a woman I didn't know came up to me and told me her kids love learning english with me and wanted to know if she could come to the lessons as well. 

 Island in the Gulf of Thailand. Went here for a 3 day business trip with everyone from the government office.

 Village health volunteers helping me make the dengue mosquito traps. Rainy season is fast approaching and the public health officer is worried about a large increase in Dengue so I am really hoping that these traps work and we can put them out into the communities. We just had the first case of Dengue for the season, and from peoples reactions I am assuming it is much earlier than expected.

 A typical afternoon or saturday/sunday at my house. I gave the kids some paper and colored pencils to keep them entertained for a few minutes. Yesterday before I could even unlock my door I was surrounded by 7 kids asking me to play with them.

 When it rains my house is swarming with bugs. For some reason all of the bugs die during the night and the ants come out and eat or drag away all of the bodies but leave the wings. This is a picture of the wings left behind in just one of the rooms in my house. I have to hide in my room under my mosquito net as soon as it gets dark. I turn no lights on upstairs and bring snacks, water, my book and anything else I might need with me to try to avoid getting attacked. I can't even shower after dark because I will be covered in bugs before I can dry off. 

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