I don't think a week has gone by yet without something ridiculous happening to me. Last Sunday I was taken on an hour long drive to a photo store. I had my hair, makeup and nails done by transsexuals who all wanted to date me. After that they took my upstairs to a room full of wedding dresses and told me to pick out three. At this point I decided it was time to draw the line. I kept saying "no wedding, no wedding" and everyone was laughing at me. So eventually they just picked out some dresses for me. The first dress I had to wear was this puffy white knee length dress. I feel pretty confident that it was a wedding dress but they kept saying it wasn't. I then had my picture taken with a beach as the background as I was playing a violin and laughing. Then we all had family photos taken with me in my wedding dress. Next dress was a European ball gown with a hoop underneath to make it puff out, then a japanese gown, and finally traditional Thai. I eventually found out that these were family photos and that they were going to replace the ones already on the wall in the living room. Hopefully they decide not to buy the one with me playing the violin in my wedding gown. But it was really nice of them to want to include me in the family photos, even if the entire experience was kind of terrifying.
In other news, this week I think I ate french fries everyday. My family has been concerned about me and to show this they make me lots and lots of french fries. Yesterday for breakfast I ate french fries, deep fried chicken, and mini hot dogs. Today for lunch I ate fried papaya, fried mushroom, and fried corn. Quite the healthy diet I've got going on.
I had my final language test yesterday which was a 30 minute interview all in Thai. It was going pretty well until she asked me what I studied in college. When I told her I studied the brain she asked me what about the brain I studied. The only thing I could think to say was "well if you touched me but I didn't know you were touching me I would study why I don't know that you are touching me." Pretty sure she thought I was a bit strange after that. In my defense explaining neuroscience in Thai is incredibly hard! My pet porcupine also came up which didn't help my image.
In one week I leave for my permanent site! I will try to update one more time before then. Hope all is well, and I miss everyone! Eat some pizza for me.
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